“Be Wary of Advisors” Tip From Rich Anand

Be wary of advisers, especially if you have been in your space for many years. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to receive input from third parties, but take the advice with a grain of salt. You live and breathe your business. Your advisers don’t. Use judgement to filter out feedback, instead of blindly following something an adviser has suggested – no matter how respected or experienced they are in the field. At the end of the day, you know your business best.

Rich Anand is the Founder/COO of Evolvez Agency. We evolve brands’ Gen-Z initiatives by employing influential college Brand Ambassadors. I’ve been in the space for 5+ years and have worked with the likes of The Economist, Brooks Brothers, CBS Sports, Robinhood, etc.

Visit Rich at: Evolvez

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