Are You Looking for more exposure for your client, business, products or services? Try a Video Interview!
Top Reasons to Schedule your Ask Sharifah Video Interview Today
- Your interview airs commercial free and is viewed by thousands of eager consumers.
- Your interview is held at a convenient time for you with our easy online scheduling.
- You receive your own promotional flyer which we promote for you.
- You receive your own Eventbrite and Facebook events promoting your show.
- Your interview is archived on the homepage.
- Your interview airs LIVE and remains archived on the Ask Sharifah Facebook Page.
- Your interview airs LIVE and remains archived on the Ask Sharifah YouTube Page
- Your interview airs LIVE and remains archived on multiple other social media pages.
- BONUS: You get two interviews in one. The audio from your video interview is also uploaded to Ask Sharifah Podcast for increased exposure. Ask Sharifah Podcast is available on iHeardRadio, Apple iTunes Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Breaker, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic and the top podcasting platforms for additional exposure!